Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Holidays!

Just a quick shout out to all of our members,


To out muslim members, go easy on the rendang and ketupat, be careful while playing with mercun and bunga api and of course enjoy yourselves.

To our non-muslim members, make full use of your holidays by doing useful activities, especially for those of you who will be sitting for their PMR and SPM this year. I wish you ALL THE BEST! GAMBATTE!
VP Anisa

Friday, September 11, 2009

First Aid 101 : What is First Aid all about?

Good Day members!

For today's First Aid 101 we will be touching on the basics of First Aid. All of you should know this by now, but take it as a revision. I'll be sharing first aid knowledge with you every alternate weeks so stay tune. Take note, you never know this might come out in future exams. :)

What is First Aid?

Emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available

What is the aim of performing first aid on a casualty?

To Preserve Life
-E.g. maintain an open airway, control breathing , EAR
To Prevent further harm
- Prevent the condition to become worse
- E.g. dress wounds, immobilise any large wounds, burns or fracture
To Promote recovery
- For some, first aid involves trying to start one's recovery process from the illness /injury.
-E.g. relieve pain an discomfort, protect the casualty from cold and wet

Basically these are our aims when we perform first aid on a casualty.

What does D.R.A.B.C. stands for?

D - Danger

First and foremost, ensure that you or the casualty aren't in any danger. First of all, make the situation safe and then assess the casualty.

R - Response

Check the casuality to see if they are conscious. If you are not sure or the casuality seems unconscious you can check this by shouting:

'Hello', 'Can you hear me?', repeat this while gently shake their shoulders.

A - Airway

To open the airway, put one hand on the casualty's forehead whilst gently tilting their head back. This will move the casualty's tongue away from the back of the mouth insuring they do not choke.

B - Breathing

  • Look, feel and listen and for a maximum of 10 seconds to see if the casualty is breathing regularly.
  • Look to see if the chest is inflating and deflating while listening for signs of breathingYou can also feel for breath against your cheek.
  • If and when the casualty is breathing normally, place them in the recovery position whilst check for other life-threatening conditions such as critical bleeding and treat as necessary.
C - Circulation
  • Feel the pulse at the neck (carotid pulse)
  • If pulse is present , continue EAR at the rate of 15 breaths per minute. Check breathing anf the pulse after 1 minute, then after every 2 minutes
  • If pulse is not present, commence CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
  • Check breathing and the pulse after 1 minute , then after every2 minutes. If the pulse returns, continue EAR. If breathing returns , turn the casualty to a stable side position. Check for and manage shock, bleeding and other injuries
  • Seek medical aid.
That's all for today's First Aid 101, enjoy the rest of your weekends.

VP Anisa

References : Wikipedia , , Rcass tripod. com , First Aid Manual

Friday, September 4, 2009


Hey members!

As promised, HSL Kar Men and I will be giving you regular updates on latest on-goings. We've agreed to share with you about anything.

As for today's post I would like to point out to you the act of gratitude.
Gratitude or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude that one has received or will receive.
Everyday we are blessed with a lot of things such as food on our table, a comfortable bed to sleep on , a roof on top of our heads and the list goes on.
So, don't forget to thank God, thank your parents, your friends or whomever you're grateful for!

If you do not know where to start, here are 5 great ways to show you're grateful:

1. Say the magic word - Thank You, Merci, Terima Kasih, 谢谢, Nandhri
2. Send a thank-you note
3. Do them a free favor
4. Surprise them with kindness
5. Acknowledge them in public

Alright to end my post for today, enjoy this video I found a few days ago,

Signing off,
VP Anisa :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Being One

Hello members,

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. :) As you all know yesterday was a very meaningful day to each an every one of us because our country turned 52 years old! I would like to take this opportunity to urge all of you to be one. We should not let race and religion get in the way. It doesn't matter if you are a Chinese or a Malay or an Indian. What matters is what we want for the unit. I'm very sure everyone wants the best for the unit, to do so we need to work as one.

1 Malaysia, 1 BSMM SLY 180

Before I sign off, here's a video to share,

Signing off,
VP Anisa :)
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