Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We are Back!

Hello dear members,

We are still alive, do not worry! We have been caught up with school happenings and we apologise for that. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. We hope everyone's enjoying their two-week break. :)

Well, we have an important annoucement to make, so pay close attention.

BSMM has been chosen to take part in the i-Challenge organized by INTI College. This year's theme is Saving Belum-Temengor Forest. So what we have to do is to collect 250 kg of scrap papers. Scrap papers include old magazines , worn out books and newspapers. We need lots and lots of them. So to make things smoother , each person at least needs to bring 3-5kg of scrap papers. We are all one family and this is the time for us to help one another. Bring your collection this Friday (11th June 2010) at the prefect's room. We will be there from 8-9.30 a.m. So you guys can come anytime during that slot. Any questions, don't hesitate to call HSL Kar Men at 016 3838 252 or VP Anisa at 012 664 6175 .

Besides that we have more online first aid stuff.

How to treat Stings?
  1. Stay Safe!

  2. Apply an ice pack to the site of the sting. Alternate on and off to prevent tissue damage - usually 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.

  3. If the victim exhibits any of the following, consider the possibility of anaphylaxis (severe allergy)
    • itching
    • swelling (other than the site of the sting)
    • shortness of breath
    • heart palpitations
    • chest pain
    • weakness
    • dizziness
    • hives or redness

  4. If the victim has any involuntary muscle movements, call 911 immediately.

  5. Try to identify the bug. If the bug is dead, scoop it up and take it with you to the emergency department. Be careful, even dead bugs have venom.

  6. For pain relief, try sting swabs. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are also good for pain.
  7. Bark scorpion stings can cause numbness and tingling in the tissue around the bite. If the site is tingling or burning, see a doctor.
How to treat a JellyFish Sting?

The tentacles of the Jellyfish is clearly visible on this sting
  1. Stay Safe. As always, safety is the most important step. Jellyfish tentacles (nematocysts) may still be on the skin.

    If the species is known to be box jellyfish (
    Chironex fleckeri) or Irukandji (Carukia barnesi), get emergency medical help immediately.
  2. Rinse the tentacles off. Rinse away the tentacles using hot water if possible (see step 5 for how hot). If heated water isn't available, use salt water rather than fresh. Fresh water may worsen the stinging pain.
  3. Peel off the tentacles. Remove any remaining tentacles with a gloved hand, stick, shell or tweezers. Be careful not to get the tentacles on yourself or on clothing.
  4. Watch for anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can result in:Anaphylaxis can also cause a drop in blood pressure known as anaphylactic shock.
  5. Immerse the stung area in hot water. How hot is hot? There isn't too much evidence that water under 102 degrees is going to help much, and a lot of evidence that water over 122 degrees is extremely effective. Since it's unlikely you'll have a way to truly gauge the temperature of water in a shower or a hot bath, the general rule is to have the victim either shower or immerse the sting in the hottest water he or she can stand. Work up to the heat and be careful not to scald (burn) the victim.
  6. Ibuprofen* and acetaminophen** will help relieve pain. Ice or heat may also help. Mild itching may be helped with diphenhydramine***.

*IBUPROFEN is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It can relieve minor aches and pains caused by a cold, flu, sore throat, headache, or toothache. It is used to treat fever or pain for a short time

** ACETAMINOPHEN is a pain reliever. It is used to treat mild pain and fever.

***DIPHENHYDRAMINE is an antihistamine. It is used to treat the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Source : About.com

Ok so that's about it for now. We hope this information is useful to all of you.
Stay tune for more updates.

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