Saturday, June 20, 2009


On the 19th of June 2009, a Blood Drive campaign was held in the SMK Damansara Utama school hall. It commenced at 9am and ended at 4pm. This campaign was officiated by the Head of Co-curricular activities, Encik Ismail bin Rahman, who also took part in this campaign to show his heroism as a role model to the students and teachers of SMKDU.

Karmen and her committee members would like to show their deepest gratitude towards all who lent a hand, supported and participated in this campaign, especially the members, donors, teachers,VADs and seniors.

"Success is 1% inspirtaion and 99% perspiration"

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by the blood we give.

Our very first donor

Bold and Kind-hearted students attempted the blood donating session, however less than half were eligible. They were one of those :)

Even Teachers who were very supportive like Encik Ismail, Pn. Paramjeet, Pn. Shalini, En. Zaki, Pn. Suriya and many more showed their drops of kindness through this campaign.

Despite certain unavoidable and unintended conditions for the blood donating session like, lack of iron etc, it resulted only 56 pints of true humanity blood. Though we didn't reach our target of 150 pints, but at least, we could witness about 100+ people who showed their concern and sincerity towards this campaign.

Pn.Anne who guided and helped us through all!

Once again, thanks to all for making this event a success. Without passionate, committed and wonderful members like you, BSMM of SL (Y) 180 would be nothing.

Keep aiming for the stars. We'll have them in our hands one day.
Just Believe it.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Hey members,

Meetings will be on as usual so we hope to see everyone there!
A reminder;
  • For those who haven't finish their tahap_ exams,please complete it asap.
  • Members who still haven't pay the RM 5 membership fees,please pay it to your respective treasurers(Anthony Khor or David Lim) when school reopens.
  • Our annual blood drive is on its way(19th of June 09). So bring all the people you can! Members will also be on duty on that day.
  • Our BSMM Goes Green campaign is also on its way.
  • Last but not least, Annual General Meeting is coming very very soon...
just wait for it.... :)

VP signing off

Thursday, June 4, 2009

THE 'BOMB' A trip

Organisor: Felicia Soo
Date: 30th May, Saturday
Time: 9am to 12 pm
Venue: Balai Bomba TTDI
Members and recruits present: 40

Bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka, tug in baju
Felicia conducted the morning speech before heading to the Balai Bomba

Fireman on Duty: the ever so friendly, Encik Shaari

'ceramah' time

during the slide show

the Hottest vehicle

the compartments

Fire+ Extinguisher

members being experienced

and having fun at the same time

100 plus, sponsored by the generous and kind Denise Kuay and her father :)
(many thanks!)

ASL Guan Shan: Hahaha! want this? must answer my famous lame questions first

members desperately cracking their heads to get their isotonic Drink

after refreshments, it was time for Water Drill

side view*

explanation and exposition

knowledge-hungry members


Top of the World members

playing and investigating the Hottest vehicle

'captain Amin, captain Kah Meng on board'

DO caught in action, hoho

Darling Form Threes

and the BODs

hose drilling

fountain evolving

water splashing

all in all, Felicia and her committee hope that everyone had fun, gained some knowledge and experience from this trip :)

even the BODs had fun.
all smiles
; )

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Guess who's the new takeover person?

Heya peeps!

Regarding the bomba trip, gotta put on hold for a moment. We are dealing with some problems with the pictures. Promise to upload a complete post about that by this weekend. Anyhow, Felicia and her committee members surely do hope that you guys did gain some knowledge and enjoy yourselves during the bomba trip.

You know us BSMM SL (Y) 180 is always filled with activities with strong objectives for our special and beloved members and recruits. Thus, the next event up would be :

It's time for us to put our hands together and pespire for a charity purpose. Here's what all of you can do as your first helping hand towards this event: SPREAD ABOUT THE BLOOD DRIVE whether through Facebook, Blog, Email, Friendster or Verbal. It is essential for this event to be known to others so that we can have many blood donors and who knows, we might appear in the newspaper again for setting an overwhelming record of the number of pints of blood obtained?

Hence, let's work together as the knights of humanity drilled with our spirit of togetherness to result another success in the records of BSMM SL (Y) 180 alright?


Aim high. Reach for the stars.

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