Thursday, June 4, 2009

THE 'BOMB' A trip

Organisor: Felicia Soo
Date: 30th May, Saturday
Time: 9am to 12 pm
Venue: Balai Bomba TTDI
Members and recruits present: 40

Bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka, tug in baju
Felicia conducted the morning speech before heading to the Balai Bomba

Fireman on Duty: the ever so friendly, Encik Shaari

'ceramah' time

during the slide show

the Hottest vehicle

the compartments

Fire+ Extinguisher

members being experienced

and having fun at the same time

100 plus, sponsored by the generous and kind Denise Kuay and her father :)
(many thanks!)

ASL Guan Shan: Hahaha! want this? must answer my famous lame questions first

members desperately cracking their heads to get their isotonic Drink

after refreshments, it was time for Water Drill

side view*

explanation and exposition

knowledge-hungry members


Top of the World members

playing and investigating the Hottest vehicle

'captain Amin, captain Kah Meng on board'

DO caught in action, hoho

Darling Form Threes

and the BODs

hose drilling

fountain evolving

water splashing

all in all, Felicia and her committee hope that everyone had fun, gained some knowledge and experience from this trip :)

even the BODs had fun.
all smiles
; )


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