Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Update YO! :DD

Hey guys! We're finally back on track with the updates. Anyway, today was the last day for morning session meeting. Which it doesn't mean Bsmm is totally shut down till next year! We are still definitely have loads more fun and exciting activities coming up just for you.soon.

Besides that, can you guess what is on the 9 of Aug? =) *Ding Ding Ding!
If you guessed ''blood drive''. Than you're right!

Date : 9Aug
Time : 8am - 3pm
(Everyone must be in school by 7am n gather in the hall)
Value : School Hall

More information will be post on the board very soon. So don't forget to check it out as often as you can alright? Also, don't forget to ask your parents/friends/relatives etc etc to come and be a hero and save life's as a donor as well.

Signing out HSL Denise. =)
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