Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey all,

'' Quality is not being the best, but doing your best. ''
Here's a simple quote for everyone on their exam. Especially for all the form3's and form5's who is having their trails. I know this quote might seem common enough. But do think about it and understand the meaning between every letter.

What i'm trying to say is, you might not get an A for every subject. Or you might not be the smartest person in class. But i'm here to tell you, is ok. Because by really putting an effort by heart into what you're doing/studying and doing your very best, you've already won.

So once again, BEST of luck to everyone who is having their exam. And note that, the BOD's is always here for every single one of you whenever you need us. =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hey members,


Ok. Juz wanna wish all the form 3s and form 5s good luck in their upcoming exams.

May you all be blessed with a photographic memory, great composure and lotsa stamina and endurance for your revisions.

Happy Studying!! :)

And try not to end up like this student here. Remember, important as it is to revise, a good night's sleep is also vital if you are to take your exam properly.

For the rest of ya all who are spared the misery of sitting for a major exam this year, please do be considerate and do not tease them too much. :)

And stay tuned, cause we the BODs have lotsa interesting activities planned out for the end-term hols and for next year.

Once again I bid all the beloved seniors and the unlucky juniors, best of luck and may you excel in your exams. Same goes to all the rest of you too.

Have fun!

Peace out.

AC Kin

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