wow, it's been long huh.
I hope there's still members keeping themselves updated with our blog and the facebook page!
If you don't, you better do it now !
There's so much going on, and the major one right now is
yay, I personally get excited when there's a blood drive.
It's so fun.
This posts I guess is to wish the Seniors luck to the upcoming SPM.
And the juniors too ! for their finals and PMR.
boy, I'm terrified.
And this, might as well be the last post that I'll be posting !
Stepping down is a weird experience, it's a sigh of relieve and there is that feeling of trust you have to deal with passing the entire unit under the new HSL's management.
Oh, didn't you hear?
The new HSL is David Lim.
We, seniors hope he'll do good, along with his BOD.
Good Luck There. Bring the unit to a whole new level of excellence.
We Love You.
Signing out for the last time,
Senior Jan.