On the 19th of June 2009, a Blood Drive campaign was held in the SMK Damansara Utama school hall. It commenced at 9am and ended at 4pm. This campaign was officiated by the Head of Co-curricular activities, Encik Ismail bin Rahman, who also took part in this campaign to show his heroism as a role model to the students and teachers of SMKDU.
Karmen and her committee members would like to show their deepest gratitude towards all who lent a hand, supported and participated in this campaign, especially the members, donors, teachers,VADs and seniors.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by the blood we give.
Our very first donor
Many Bold and Kind-hearted students attempted the blood donating session, however less than half were eligible. They were one of those :)
Even Teachers who were very supportive like Encik Ismail, Pn. Paramjeet, Pn. Shalini, En. Zaki, Pn. Suriya and many more showed their drops of kindness through this campaign.
Despite certain unavoidable and unintended conditions for the blood donating session like, lack of iron etc, it resulted only 56 pints of true humanity blood. Though we didn't reach our target of 150 pints, but at least, we could witness about 100+ people who showed their concern and sincerity towards this campaign.
Once again, thanks to all for making this event a success. Without passionate, committed and wonderful members like you, BSMM of SL (Y) 180 would be nothing.
Keep aiming for the stars. We'll have them in our hands one day.
Just Believe it.
Just Believe it.