Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Marchers, Fall In. It's Practice Time!

Hey yo!
there's marching practice this week!
Details are as followed :
Place : DK Court
Time : 29th January 2010 ( 8 to 10 am)
Attire : PJK Clothes
*Please bring a lot of water and sunblock if needed

We're gonna work our butts off this year right? (:
Be punctual and make sure you don't faint during marching.
So eat a little before you come, we need to keep your energy in top form.
You guys can check out for the Marching Team 2011 group too on facebook.
here's the link :

check there always as all the marching news will be on there first & exclusively.
Smile at the sun this week marches!
SL Jan.


O C said...

Waa.. your Cbox banyak ganas ah. That's good defense against anonymous people. And that's the right thing to do. But... isn't a cbox discussion in the midst of all the spammer just a bit.. off? lol.

Anyhow, the BOD already gave several reasonable solutions to Mr. Form 3 over there. Not sure how long that issue has been going about. But I laud at David and AC Kin for trying to settle matters peacefully. Giving a direct call is something that'd freak out anyone. The reassurance of confidentiality is a great motivator I hope.

As to the rest... You guys did what you're supposed to do ^^ BSM is no place for wishy washy b.s. after all.

O C said...

And you guyz should have said, "If you had the gull to post us an anonymous commentary of dissatisfaction towards our BOD, then you clearly shown that you're in no position to be part of ANY BOD in ANY other society for that matter. It only showed to say that you lack the emotional control to adhere to the codes of professionalism the rest of the BOD's are supposed to follow regardless of whatever sorry state their in. Which will also lead to us believing that you lack the necessary discipline nor patience for the post.

Threatening any of us to leave the society if we don't concur with your warning is just a mere display of immaturity and lack of common sense in your part. There are many other members who're up for the job and I'm pretty sure they have more sense to refrain from such selfishness.

Like we've said before, we're merely offering you a chance to get a post, not a 100% guarantee. If you think you can get a professional job upon your first interview in the real world outside, consider yourself lucky. Since they're worst than any bully you'd ever known throughout your life. Their words can be so hurtful that it'd mentally scar you for life if you lack in emotional strength. So if you want to leave, please, by all means, leave. BSM needs people who can help others, not people who're aiming to just help themselves, since almost every other person in this world are already doing that. Maybe other clubs can cater for your needs? May I suggest Taekwando? Since you'll have a 100% chance of having a promotion after you finish your promotion tests? And you might even become an instructor if you work hard enough. Well then, I hope you have a nice day."

O C said...

And for everyone who doesn't know who I am... Lets just say I'm with Ean J. Chan Wai Kit and Chan Chi Hung. Their your seniors who watch over your schools and other schools within their code of conduct. And I'm currently under Chi Hung in the VAD's. I'm kinda inactive now due to studies, but I still try to help schools in whichever way I can. I'm closely watching a few other school's blogs online as well. So if there's something up, I can only do so much as give suggestions since I'm not available for field duty at the moment.

Have a nice year ahead with your activities! And... uh, watch your members' legs when you march! It might've been quite some time ago someone told me that your team synchro was great but your feet was being done not according to the district standards XD Well, some food for thought?

Jan. said...

hey (: thanks loads for your opinions and advices. we're really happy to hear that you took your time to read our blog :D we'll keep a constant update here so you'll know what's up! the issues are being attended positively and we appreciate your advice dearly. good luck in your studies and it's an honour to have you watching us (: -SL Jan-

O C said...

Lol, I'm honoured to receive your honourifics :D Keep up the good work!

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